WCCH is entirely funded through private donations from community partners, individuals, and churches. Below you will find ways to collect pantry items, complete volunteer work projects and donate gifts to the Legacy Endowment Fund.
Pantry Needs List: (Updated 08/09/2024)
The Woodburn Christian Children Home has a need for the following items. If you are able to donate, please contact the office prior to purchasing the items. Thank you Legacy Fund
How would you like to give a gift that will stand the test of time? Your gift in Memory of someone who has gone before you... Your gift in Honor of a friend or family member who has everything they need...Your gift from the blessings of your life as they are shared with others through inclusion in your will...Your gift will do just that as a part of the WCCH Legacy Fund. |
Annual Fundraisers
The Woodburn Christian Children's Home is supported entirely by voluntary contribution. We receive no federal, state or county support. We are entirely dependent upon our private contributors whose strong support enables this ministry to operate on a cash basis. Family participation is on a sliding scale. Over the years, numerous children have been accepted for placement even though their parents had little or no ability to pay. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
Strong & Courageous Strategic Vision
The vision, based on Joshua 1:9 expands how we care for children and the number of children in our care. At WCCH, we do not raise victims, we raise strong and courageous overcomers in Christ. The WCCH vision, launched in 2021 seeks to fulfill this eternal goal, Phase I Funding Update Funds Raised: $2,254,389 New Goal : 2,700,000 (updated 06/01/2024) Click here for MORE INFORMATION |