WCCH History
The Woodburn Christian Children’s Home came into being to meet the needs of a most neglected Christian Service. The Children’s Home is needed to take care of the twisted and wrecked lives of many of America’s Youth. It seems that our nation is becoming more involved in sin daily because many homes are falling apart. Children are crying for someone that cares.
JESUS CARES. Who better qualified to take care of these children than Christians? Christ, our Lord said, “Suffer the little ones to come unto me.” Woodburn Christian Children’s Home intends to care for orphaned, homeless, neglected or abused children between the ages of six and eighteen years. It is the purpose of the Home to lead in the spiritual, intellectual, and physical growth of each child. The Home will have the enjoyable life that needs to exist. “Mom” and “Dad” will care for ten children in their home. These houseparents will see that all of the children receive attention physically rounded out with a Christian atmosphere. Because of the Christian atmosphere the family will become a unit in Christ. Every member of the Home will share on the home type basis. Sharing is the KEY. All will share in work, pleasure and LOVE. Date Date Date. Date Date. Date. Date Date Date Date Date Joe Heins, MA Sociology | Executive Director
Dennis Armstrong | President |
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed (Psalm 82:3).